Welcome to the Bluff Road Bulletin!
You may have seen poster in the clinic asking you to provide your Feedback about you experience. This is important to us as we strive to ensure every patient has a positive experience at Bluff Road Medical. Your observations and experiences will help to improve how we take care of you and we are committed to continuously improving your experience and value your comments. The survey may only take a minute of your time but it will have a huge impact on helping us understand how we can improve your health, your family’s and the greater community. We would love your feedback through this short online survey. Please complete a short online survey. You can either scan the QR code belowor go to https://bit.ly/3HWeBGr to access the survey page.
AFL Footy Tipping Competition
The AFL season starts on the 16th of March and we will be running a Bluff Road Medical and Bayside Family Medical Competition. The competition will be run from footytips.com.au – if you have never used this website, we suggest that you sign up prior.
The cost of entry is $20 which needs to be transferred prior to the first game of the season to:
BSB: 951 200
Account Number: 013271835
Reference of the payment, to be your username for the footy competition.
Competition Name: 2022 Footy Tipping (https://www.footytips.com.au/comps/2022_Footy_Tipping)
Password: Charity22!
For the overall prize pool 40% will go towards a charity (suggestions welcome – with the selected charity being posted on the Competition Wall by Round 20 as well as the amount that is being donated being posted in the newsletter).
For the remaining prize pool (60%) this is what will then be divided amongst 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
(From the 60%, the split will be 50%, 35% and 15%)
Meet Our Two New Registrar’s
Dr Caroline McBride and Dr Krishnan Rasaratnam
If you’ve seen some new doctors at Bluff Road Medical, do not worry as this is part of the process of training General Practitioners. We are proud to have welcomed and farewelled dozens of brilliant, caring doctors over the years from our GP Registrar program with out hard work also leading to us being the 2020 Metropolitan Winners as The Training Practice of the Year.
Our continued commitment is to providing registrars with an educational home where they can “learn to fly” while knowing the GP supervisor is around for help and to support them. We pride ourselves on creating an environment where registrars can become the best version they can be as a fully-fledged GP.
What is a Registrar?
A GP Registrar is a fully qualified medical doctor, undertaking advanced training to specialise in General Practice. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners requires aspiring General Practitioners to complete an advanced GP training program. Over at least two years, GP Registrars attend placements at up to four different medical practices.
We offers six or twelve month placements to our Registrars. Being qualified medical doctors, GP Registrars are knowledgeable and skilled. After six or twelve months, Registrars generally move on to their next placement. Once they complete their final exams and are fully fledged General Practitioners, many continue their careers at Bluff Road Medical Centre.
Meet Dr Caroline McBride
Her interests are: Women’s Health, Chronic Disease, General Medicine, Preventative
She graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2016. She completed internship and residency at the Austin Hospital, with rotations to the Northern Hospital, Bendigo and Mildura. Later finishing a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology while working at West Gippsland (Warragul) Health before commencing General Practice.
Outside of medicine, she enjoys running, cycling and reading.
Meet Dr Krishnan Rasarathnam
His interests are: Musculoskeletal Medicine, Paediatrics
Krishnan obtained his medical degree in 2018 from Monash University. Before moving into general practice, he worked at Eastern Health developing a strong foundation across medical and surgical specialties. He completed the Sydney Child Health Program in 2021 and currently works as a doctor with Western United Football Club and Northern Bullants Football Club.
Outside of work, he enjoys drawing, travelling, soccer and badminton.
Medical High Performance is Opening!
As mentioned in last month’s newsletter about MedHP our mission is to make people think differently about ageing. Just because we all grow older, doesn’t mean we have to compromise our health with it. MedHP is here to shift attitudes and to help motivate you to pro-actively look after your mental and physical wellbeing.
To arrange a tour or find out about becoming a member get in touch either by calling 1300 8 MEDHP
or email admin@medhp.com.au
You can also register your interest via the website.