Don’t Miss Out on Next Month’s Webinar
As part of our commitment to providing our patients with FREE access to education, to better understand their health needs and goals, this is a reminder of our upcoming online webinar – Monday, 6th March at 7PM (please log on 10 minutes prior to check for technical issues)
We’d appreciate your feedback on our Webinar Series and thoughts on future topics. Please complete this short survey
Footy Tipping Competition
The AFL season starts on the 16th of March and we will be running a Bluff Road Medical and Bayside Family Medical Competition. The competition will be run from – if you have never used this website, we suggest that you sign up prior.
The cost of entry is $20 which needs to be transferred prior to the first game of the season to to register your interest please use the button below
For the overall prize pool 40% will go towards a charity (suggestions welcome).
For the remaining prize pool (60%) this is what will then be divided amongst 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (From the 60%, the split will be 50%, 35% and 15%)
I’m Interested in Footy Tipping
System Upgrade
This weekend we will be having IT working on our system which unfortuntaely means that we will be closing the clinic an hour early on Sunday 26th Feb (closing at 11am) The clinic will be back to regular opening hours from Monday
Reminder of Online Options for Requests for Scripts and Copy of Results
We’ve heard your feedback and have at the end of last year we added 2 new convenient web service options without calling us!
- Script Request – for regular Bluff Road Medical patients to request a short supply of repeat regular medications. The request is emailed to your usual GP who will review your file and appropriateness for a short script appointment. A Team Member will then contact you to arrange a brief telephone appointment with your usual GP in the next 5-7 business days. Depending on the medication requested and your own health situation, you may be required to book a standard review appointment instead.
Head to our website for more information
- Request a copy of your results – This service is available when you have already discussed or been sent an SMS about your test results referred by your GP. By following the link below, a copy of your test results can be emailed to you.
Head to our website for more information